What are the password requirements for MyWNCC?


WNCC requires passwords meet the following rules:

  • Must use more than 10 unique passwords before you can reuse a password
  • Must be 12 characters or more in length
  • Must contain characters from three of the following four categories:
    • Capital letter (A through Z)
    • Lowercase letter (a through z)
    • Number (0 through 9)
    • Special character (for example:  !, #, $, %, &)

Cannot contain:

  • Your username or parts of the user's full name that exceed two consecutive characters
  • Anything that is easy to guess such as
    • Password
    • 1234

The best method is to make a phrase in which you can include 3 or 4 words that do not relate. Some examples:

  • GreenMonkey#4House
  • Rose!89waterRock

Things to avoid:

  • Dates such as birthdays and anniversaries
  • Favorite things: colors, cars, etc.
  • People's names: children's names, middle names, etc.
  • Using the same password for multiple places such as your bank, work, and WNCC.
  • Last Updated Nov 25, 2024
  • Views 16
  • Answered By Allison Reisig

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