How do I find things in My ClassLink?


ClassLink is your first stop for all things WNCC! Click on the apps to access different services.

Screengrab of ClassLink Interface

  • WNCC email is the official mode of communication from WNCC. Make sure to check it often!
  • Blackboard is WNCC's online Learning Management System
  • Office 365 give you access to the Microsoft Office Suite including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. You can also download and install the apps onto your personal device!
  • OneDrive is a cloud service that lets you store and protect all your files.
  • Appointment Scheduler allows you to schedule appointments with different departments such as Financial Aid, Advising, or the Library.
  • Student planning allows you to plan and register for classes, as well as viewing your academic progress.
  • WNCC Self-Service gives you access to the Course Catalog, your bill and financial aid, and many other services.
  • WNCC Hub shows specific information for many departments such as Financial Aid, Admissions, and more!

If you need additional help or have questions about other apps, contact the eHelp Center.

  • Last Updated Nov 19, 2024
  • Views 275
  • Answered By Tammie Kleich

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